Normal histology:
Wheater’s functional histology – Young, O’dowd, Woodford
Oral anatomy, histology and embryology – Berkovitz, Holland, Moxham
Ten Cate’s Oral Histology - Nanci
General reference books:
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease – Kumar, Abbas, Aster
Quick reference handbook for surgical pathologists – Rekhtman and Bishop
The practice of Surgical Pathology: A beginner’s guide to the diagnostic process - Molavi
Laboratory aspects:
Bancroft’s theory and practice of histological techniques – Suvarna, Layton, Bancroft
Cellular pathology – an introduction to techniques and applications – Cook, Warren
Oral pathology
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology – Neville, Damm, Allen, Chi
Oral pathology – Regezi, Sciubba, Jordan
Oral pathology and oral medicine – Cawson, Odell
Soames’ and Southam’s Oral Pathology – Robinson, Hunter, Pemberton, Sloan
Oral Pathology – Sook-Bin Woo
Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial regions – Shear, Speight
Salivary pathology:
- AFIP atlas of tumor pathology: Tumors of the salivary glands – Ellis, Auclair
Head and neck pathology:
World Health Organization Classification of Tumours, Pathology & genetics, Head and neck tumours – Barnes, Eveson, Reichart, Sidransky
Diagnostic pathology: Head and neck - Thompson, Wenig
Head and Neck Pathology: 3rd edition- Thompson, Bishop
Soft tissue:
Enzinger & Weiss’s Soft tissue tumors – Goldblum, Folpe, Weiss
Diagnostic pathology: Soft tissue tumors – Lindberg, Lindberg, Chang
Weedon’s skin pathology - Patterson
McKee's pathology of the skin 4th edition- Calonje, Brenn, Lazar, McKee